Monday, May 14, 2012

Be still

For those that know me well, I am a go getter, a motivated, can do type of person.  Just tell me I can't achieve or do something and that is a sure way for me to do it!

The events of the last couple of years have no doubt knocked the wind out of my sails and caused me to re-evaluate and cast a new vision for the future..... to take a bigger view..... get some perspective through the lens looking towards eternal and real things.  My motivations have changed, my drive is different......but is this a bad thing....I think not.

After dropping the kids off this morning at childcare, I couldn't help but feel the anxiety take hold by osmosis from the frazzled and frantic parents hustling their kids into school, dragging along in some cases.  Women slapping lipstick on in the car, running in heels late for work.

Something is seriously not in the right order in our society and world.  A chasing of the wind perhaps?

I am getting the message loud and clear right now that I am to be still, know that God is God and to rest in that knowledge and the release of care that naturally will follow.

A question I pose is how do we easily do this in a frantic society?

How does one do this when with  hyper vigilant guard and insomnia due to a horrific trauma?  I mean after all, the damage was done on "my watch".

The damage happened in my home, my safe retreat and oasis in the care of the most trusted of people.  How does one relax in the very environment of danger?

I guess there is only one answer.....I can't!

I totally absolutely without any question can only rely on God to come through on this one.  I can play my part of course but ultimately the "rest" doesn't come from me or my efforts.

So with that in mind I am looking forward to a sojourn somewhere warmer for a few weeks.  I plan to take a break from the distractions of TV, social media, constant appointments and determine to still.

I wonder what God might show me and how much deeper I can sink into the everlasting peaceful arms.

A message from a friend with her little hint of humour summed it up a couple of days ago when discussing pushing through and future projects and ambitions.  I had a very clear answer in regard to one pursuit so my confidant shared her thoughts.

"He's probably saying.  Thanks for being so willing but I am still happy for you to take a break! Rest in me"

I think I'll take that as a word from heaven and breath deeply and rest willingly.....or try at least!

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