Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Delayed Gratification :: staying focused

I am just back from my weekly training session with Teresa.  She is such a gorgeous sweet looking woman with the kind of eyes that light up and personality that naturally makes you feel good to be around.  She is super super fit & super sexy and super motivated personal trainer.

What you can't see from that adorable smily face is the tough love she is ever so happy to inflict on her victims.  I mean....only one hour on......and  I just KNOW that tomorrow I am facing a world of pain.  My legs still have the wobbles and I am scared about next week already!  When I message her to complain about my treatment, she sends back an insincere......I'm ever so sorry message.

In reality, I am really grateful for her fabulous attitude and her courage to be a "real" person.  I think that we all need an encourager and she is one of the best.

I also was told recently by a friend that physical pain is my friend.....I am not totally convinced but there may just be some wisdom there.

It's a bit like everything really, a bit of pain now for a lot of gain later.  Whether it be relational, spiritual, physical or mentally.  Take the book of proverbs for instance, it's full of little gems encouraging the principal of self control and self discipline.

Hard work means prosperity, only fools idle away there time.

Work hard and become a leader, be lazy and become a slave.

Lazy people want much and get little, but those who work hard will prosper and be satisfied.

It is better to be patient than powerful, it is better to have self control than to conquer a city.

So on that eyes and mind stay focused and my body tags along behind.  It is after all such a wonderful high after starting the day down by the beach working up a sweat.

It's also so comforting and grounding to see the regular early morning crowd each day.  The lively group of elderly Italian ladies who walk by smiling and, lost in conversation,  passionate about sharing their lives.

The elderly man who swims in the Derwent and stands for a big stretch on the pontoon.

The young men in their kayaks that glide by who stop by after to enjoy a coffee whilst contemplating life and looking over the beautiful river landscape.

The world is full of endless possibility and goodness at this particular moment.....a gift to be savoured and a treasure for the soul.

Where else would I be?

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