Wednesday, July 11, 2012

my new obsession

Before I discovered the world of you tube tutorials on just about everything, I tucked away this trusty reference book of Grandma's to teach me all I needed to know.

It's certainly a vintage book with yellowed pages and interesting garment ideas some of which I will share below.  I will take a guess that it is somewhere around 40-50 years old.

 The ever practical 'man's convalescent jacket', very handy indeed.

Notice the recuperating fellow reaches over to the beside table to reveal a rear view of the jacket.  No pesky bunched up bits for him while recovering in bed.  Mind you, the packet of cigarettes he is reaching for  probably won't really help in bringing him towards better health.

A hot foxy chic in her cardigan.  

My personal favourite ' the man's helmet'.  Tell me, what man about town can afford to 'not' have one of this classy numbers in his wardrobe?  Notice the mandatory cigarette once again....very politically incorrect these days.

As for me, I am onto scarf number two and showing no signs of slowing.  An innocuous obsession so a friend recently informed me.