Thursday, June 14, 2012

deep roots

It's been such an amazing time over the last couple of weeks here in Queensland.  I really feel like we have been here longer than we have.  I have seen so many dear friends and family and been given so many blessings while I was here that I am feeling gradually restored and super blessed.

Such wonderful times spent with my two beautiful nephews, mum, sisters and brother in laws.  Love that we can all be so 'real' with each other and just hang out together, joking, teasing, jumping on the couch to get the best spot first and all that 'family' stuff.  We three girls seriously make good babies....they are all the cutest kids out.

Another fab thing is that there is one of my best friends here who has booked me in for two hour long massages for each week I am here.  She is seriously the 'best' at massage that I have ever had.  So fantastic and relaxing for a weary mama.  Her gift to me along with coffee dates and catch ups.  She is an inspiration to me as we have shared out faith from the time when we were both just babies in the things of the spirit....she is strong and gentle all at the same time.  We know each other so well.  She has seen the best and worst of me and we are both ok with that......special friends.

Second, I have a car to use the entire time I am here to go anywhere I want and a place to stay all free of charge.  Plenty of home cooked meals from my master chef grandmother.  Today a whole truckload of baking arrives from the country kitchen of my great aunt who took the entire family out for a beautiful lunch her treat.  The kids were so excited as we have never been 'out' for lunch to a proper restaurant.  Probably because of their age and my lack of motivation to wrestle toddlers in public.

It was so nice to see the kids interacting with her and I could just tell she had the best day!  She has never married and has no children so it's a real gift and treat for her to be included in the lives of our young children.  I felt God may have just blessed her today too.  She just loved the chance to do something nice for all of us.

Third, another of my dearest friends in town arrives for a visit unexpectedly last week with a rolled up wad of cash with the insistence I use it for 'fun'.  We also have a fun day out planned next week.  Ladies lunch on the range....nice.

This morning, a fantastic start to the day with some time to sleep in, kids holidaying at the farm for 'two' nights at their request.  Photos of my first church and time to ponder some memories.  Then onto a great coffee catch up with another newer but very wise and special friend.  He has wisdom beyond his years and I have much to learn.

As if that wasn't enough, yesterday I got to spend the afternoon with a couple and their youngest child who have known me for such a long time and we have a bond which is rock solid.  To see my 'blokey' male friend say with tears in his eyes how much his heart had broken for me these last months and sit humbly, grieved but in unity and mutual trust in God was so precious.  These are the moments when we see Jesus with skin on sitting at our kitchen table.  That and the jokes about man scarves which he struggles to understand.  I may just knit him one for fun.

Next week sees a visit to their property further west, to share some more special times, pray and eat together and maybe take a ride around to check out the land, crops and cattle.  Probably sneak in some driving lessons for Lachie too I reckon.

Such dear treasured friends forged in hard times many years ago and through weekly get togethers and stitch and bitch nights with his wife, one of my closest of friends.  They saw the way my life was transformed by the power of salvation, believed in me and rejoiced when God ordained my marriage and praised him for his faithfulness.  They are heartbroken by the sins against myself and children yet even in that confession, there is healing and the peace of God.

To be known so deeply without need for explanation or justification is a precious gift I will not ever take for granted.  Country bred people seem so much more generous in spirit and available in subtle ways I can't easily articulate.  We stick together, pitch in, help out and lend a hand whenever the opportunity arises.

I feel like a blessed woman to have roots so deeply here in my original hometown yet grateful for the wings God gave me to fly and make a new future and bring beauty from ashes.  A reminder that all things are truly possible with him and I can rest in that and take my hands off the wheel.

Tomorrow night dinner date with some other mates and introduction to their new baby girl.  Happy days indeed and a sleep in for me again tomorrow.  I know I love Hobart but life is pretty sweet these days.

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