Saturday, October 9, 2010


It's been a while since I have had the will to write. I had let the uninformed and misguided critique of a lonely old woman get the better of me.  This blog is not just about shallow everyday events........ as if I have the luxury of that being all that occupies my thoughts.

This is my way of choosing to see the special in the ordinary.  It is choosing to enjoy and record and share the brief time I have as guardian to my children and to value all the mundane and sometimes repetitive tasks that comprise my day.

This is me choosing to live and see beauty despite ugly circumstances.  This is me sharing and wanting to know and be known, as an extension of my honesty and transparency.  This is me choosing to look the giants of defeat squarely in the eyes and not flinch.

I have cared too much in years gone past what people thought about me and who I am.  These days I am brave enough to blog and invite people to see a part of me and know that I have a lot to offer.  Mostly I think people like it because I am real and I am flawed, I live in a flawed world, with flawed people yet I still have desire to live and live big.  

People can relate to the ordinary.  It brings connection and solidarity.  It makes my sisters' day to see their precious little ones so far away in the simplicity of their daily activities.

So I will keep writing, keep living and keep dreaming despite the small beginnings of the new normal of my life.  There is hardly enough energy or hours in the day to write, let alone think of something to say that is positive.  That was after all the intention many months ago when I started.  My children need three of me instead of the worn out one that I am. 

There is so many things to enjoy right now and to look forward to so I will share in coming weeks because it has been far too long away from the keyboard.

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