Friday, June 25, 2010

Cabin Fever :: on the dry seas.

Well my car is still sitting in a lonely dark garage somewhere in the middle of Hobart with no idea what is wrong.  Now it seems that they need a part, from Japan, which will take two weeks to arrive.  This really means three at least in mechanic terms. I am so shop deprived it is almost a medical condition.

The last time I saw my trusty green bean was as it was driven down the road on the back of a truck. The man who I initially found charming and friendly and almost certain to sort this problem out quick smart has moved from the helpful basket to the unhelpful basket. (thanks for that complex visual to catergorise people Megs).

I am truly hoping that he doesn't slide down into the problem basket when he returns my call tonight.  He said something really fast which explained all of diddily squat when I quizzed as to when it would be finished.  I think he was covering up the fact that he hadn't thought about it since the last time we spoke two days ago.

I don't think he realises that he is dealing with a car savvy, dealership savvy chic who knows a thing or two about the way this stuff works.  But mostly.......he is dealing with.......a mother!

This is how I think it works. It's basically keep the peace by juggling all the plates, paying attention to the wobblier ones first.  In this case, wobbly equals crankiest customer.

I have tried the nice option, politeness and considerate intervals of enquiry, however is this the most productive way?  I am hoping I don't need to use my stern cross voice with him.

I really need something to work around camera is broken, my car is in the garage, my washing machine (as all my clothes have shrunk two sizes???), my ATM card (as no money is coming out???), my shampoo is faulty as it is lightening certain strands of hair into shiny silver.  The list is endless....ALL BROKEN.

There is usually one, steady constant, faithful friend I can always count on to pick me up........Vev trusty coffee pot.  Even this has a broken, worn out gasket!!!!  The last pot was made today and to order a new gasket  is $6 + $15 postage!  Ridiculous!

NEW NEW NEW NEW!!!!  The way to go is new everything!  Out with the old, in with the new.  I just want something to work around here.

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