Monday, April 12, 2010

Baking :: Chocolate Almond Cake

This past weekend was full of fun things to do, markets with a friend, football match with Lachlan and an interesting discussion on atheism sunday evening.  Well, I hear it was interesting as I was changing nappies and amusing the babies during the whole thing.  One to download later from here

After such a hectic weekend, I needed some thinking, breathing, praying space so decided to bake this morning.  I really love cooking, especially cakes.  Odd that what seems a chore to some is a welcome escape for me.  

I have loved cooking since I was a little girl.  I was always pestering Mum to let me make some new creation or plan a dinner party.  My aunts, uncles and grandparents were the guests of honour.  I went through fazes of homemade chocolates, made for all special occasions, again, the relatives obliged my ego with compliments and approval.

Making crafty things was another all consuming passion as a child.  It is funny that those things never leave just get stored away somewhere in the soul.  They damp down to a small flame waiting for the right moment to be stoked into a fire again.  I think to make, delight and admire what we make is the very nature of who we are, as creations of the one who is the perfect creator....our heavenly father.  If we are created in his image and likeness surely this must be true.

This is possibly the yummiest cake made without flour I have ever had.  I have been waiting six months while on the silly diet to make it.  The bookmark has been taunting me with the reminder  of the tempting recipe it reveals.  It is a cross between a mudcake and a brownie............and well............simply amazing.

The end result of this morning brings me to another conclusion, I am not meant to diet.  It takes up too much of my thoughts when what I really love to do is cook.  It is a passion, a gift, a way of life. It's who I am.  The hospitality queen.  Therefore, until further notice, the weight watching is over and the living begins.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading your blog. I agree with what you wrote on all levels. I too love baking and it's one of the things I do when I want to be creative and relax. It is amazing that i often stuff this outlet due to the whole, "what if i eat this and get fat", thought.
    I loved to the movie Julie and Julia, it inspired me to stop putting off all those recipes I've been wanting to cook and start working my way thru the pile..and what fun I have been makes me feel soooo happy.
    Recently I have been very busy and that was a reason why I hadn't been letting myself get into baking, that scripture that says...."hope deffered makes the heart weak"..was ringing true in my ears...I deeply want to get creative but something or someone was always taking my time and energy. Then one night I thought I'm the only one who can change i got up and started to bake...yum..Baklawa (btw,I had the ingrdients for this for nearly 3 weeks waithing for the 'right time') ...a turkish pastry parcel...umm...sorry..I got a bit carried
    Would love the recipe your choc almond cake.
    Thanks again for your encouragement.
