Saturday, October 3, 2009


Introducing our family pet Franklin.........aka Frankfurter or "The Furt".

At a very romantic, warm and fuzzy time early on in the newlywed days we thought it would be great to get a expand our family at a manageable pace rather than starting off with a baby. We met a lovely welsh springer spaniel on a beach at sunset on the north west coast and were smitten. As fate might have it, some welshie pups were due that month with a breeder in Tasmania!!! Our excitement took over and we paid the deposit, bought the leash and anxiously awaited the arrival of our new family member.

He arrived and howled every night for a week. Jon dutifully woke up and comforted him, whilst I took a less than loving parental approach and tried desperately to ignore his whimpers while being transported back to the early weeks of Lachlan's life as a newborn. He did however settle into being a fairly compliant, trouble free pet. That was until our move into town where he has escaped with more skill than Harry Houdini from our new yard. One advantage to this, has been meeting at least six different neighbours who have returned him on too many occasions to count.

That was until my dear husband attached some lattice to the sides of the house and it seems he can escape no longer..............hooray!! I was (and am sure they were) getting a little tired of greeting the neighbours in my uggboots and pajamas when he was returned early morning or late at night. Peace has returned to our's the serenity...........

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