Monday, December 20, 2010

a not so secret santa

A very exciting parcel arrived at my place last week.  It is probably one of the most anticipated postal packages I have had all year.

Even though it arrived in the middle of the afternoon, I had to put it aside until the smalls were in bed.  I needed to fully absorb the experience of opening this special box.

 You see I am a part of a sisterhood that spans the globe.  We have a special bond of friends that spans all continents (I think) and trust me, you don't want to know how you get to sign up.  This year, we decided to have some fun and play secret santa.

 A squeal of excitement as I realise that it contains many little packages with super cute little gift tags. Something to listen to, something for when you don't feel like cooking, something for fun and many others!  How gorgeous is that paper?

This package was like a box full of comfort and love.  It is one of those amazing moments to know you have been specially thought of and the gift of the time and effort involved to sent a thoughtful collection of treats to enjoy.  Every thing so incredibly "just the right" thing to bless me.  You humble me dear friend. 

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